But at the same time, magical boys. And girls calling themselves magical boys. Unfortunately the fight scenes tend to be kind of copy/paste, which loses points for me. It certainly has it's moments of pure crackishness, as it spends the first few episodes not really taking itself too seriously, but once it settles down, it's definitely got a lot of darker moments, too. Also, the pacing was pretty good - it falls into the same trap of leaving a bit too much to the very end of the series, but it certainly isn't as bad as some other series, and it isn't anything most people couldn't handle. So, while the plot may not be the most original, Star Driver is still a fun, fresh take on it, which keeps it interesting. However, the way in which Star Driver handles these problems and such is somewhat unique, introducing mechanics and limitations on both heroes and villains which can only be overcome by accomplishing certain things. In that sense, Star Driver's basic plot is actually quite predictable, good guys always win, etc. Story: The story itself isn't anything new, honestly, as it has bad guys who want to destroy/take over the world, and a group of people who want to stop them.

So, now that I've let it sit a bit, let's get started, shall we? So I actually finished this series about two weeks ago now, but I find I need to wait to give properly objective reviews, otherwise all I'll come up with is keysmash and fangirling.